In the Page Setup group, click Breaks, then under Section Breaks, select Next Page. Word does this to distinguish between the body of the document (where one usually types) from the headers and footers which are isolated in normal use. move the mouse pointer to the top or bottom of the page until it changes to a box with two arrows.

Tick the check box 'Show white space between pages'. I have 50 documents and they all have the same header/footer. If you dont see the header and footer: Select Tools Options.
You can also make the document a pdf and display full-strength headers and footers. Inside Word (2003 or 2007), is there a way to have one Header/Footer that is used by Multiple documents I want to be able to change the header/footer in one spot and have it affect multiple documents. Initially the first page header will be blank. Now when you view the document, the header on the first page will be different from the rest of the pages. Check the 'Different first page' checkbox. (Make sure the cursor is outside of the footer area.) On the ribbon, select the Page Layout tab. This has always been how Word displays headers and footers and there is no way to change it. When the Page Setup window appears, click on the Layout tab.

Set docCrnt = (asFiles(lFile))ĭocCrnt.Windows(1).View. To create a new section and disconnect the footers, follow these steps: Insert your cursor at the bottom of the last page of the previous chapter or section. Modify the text in your header so it is 10-point Times New Roman. Here is a very trivial example: Public Sub Example() In the Page Setup dialog box, choose the Layout Tab and place a check mark next to Different First Page under Headers and Footers, then click OK. You could just put the header data in a text file and pull it in.
Unless I thought I could gain more time then I was going to lose writing code to alter the documents directly I would probably just loop through all the file in the folder, open them and alter them. The second would be to figure out the binary format (which is documented) and alter it using the VB6/VBA native binary IO (very non-trivial).

The first is to open the file via vba and alter the header via the document object model. (Or any of the dozens of other ways to alter what is essentially a text file.) If the file(s) are still in the binary format you really only have one of two options. First if the documents are saved in the office XML format then you could open the files using the MSXML library and alter the data in the header. Type the text for your header or footer within the dashed line that surrounds the header or footer area, or select one of the. AFAIK to alter a documents header (simply) must be done by having the document open. Word displays the document in Print Layout view and also displays the Header and Footer toolbar.